Student Absence – notifying the School
If a student is to be absent from school, please phone the school office on (07) 3269 3427 to notify the nature of the absence, if possible, before the commencement of the school day. A message containing the student's name and the nature of the absence can also be emailed to the College at
Late Arrival or Early Departure
Students arriving after the commencement of class are considered late and must sign in at the office.
Parents collecting students before the end of the school day must sign students out at the school office.

Section 176(1)(b) of the Education (General Provisions) Act provides that each parent of a child of compulsory school age has the obligation to ensure their child is attending school on every school day, for the educational program in which the child is enrolled. Failure to comply with the obligation in s.176(1)(b), without a reasonable excuse is an offence.